Fe enillodd Iesu'r dydd, Mewn buddugoliaeth lawn, Yn erbyn uffern fawr ei hun, Yn gryno un prydnhawn; Fe agorodd byrth y nen Gan rwygo'r llen, i'r rhai Cystuddiol gorthrymedig gwan, Sy'n griddfan dan eu bai. Mae meiau'n fawr eu grym, Megis rhyw fyddin gref, Yn sefyll fel y creigiau serth Yn erbyn nerth y nef: Tyr'd anorchfygol ras, Perch'noga'r maes yn awr, A thorr elynion mawr eu llid Yn gryno i gyd i'r llawr. 'Rwi'n ofni grym y dw'r Yn yr Iorddonen gref; Rwi'n sylwi ar y creigiau maith Sydd ar fy nhaith i'r nef: Duw bydd yn nerth i'r gwan, A dal fi i'r lan yn grŷ, Tan demtasiynau genllif mawr Sy'n llanw'n awr'n llu. Cyflawnir gair fy Nuw, A doed hi fel y del: Can's holl amcanion nefoedd fry Bob sillaf sydd dan sźl; Ac ar ei air a'i nerth, A dwyfol werth ei waed, Mi āf trwy'm holl elynion hŷ I mewn i dŷ fy Nhad. - - - - - Fe 'nillodd Iesu'r dydd, Mewn buddugoliaeth lawn, Yn erbyn uffern fawr ei hun, Yn loyw un prydnawn; Fe agorodd byrth y nen, O led y pen i rai, Cystuddiol, gorthrymedig, gwan, Sy'n gruddfan dan eu bai. Am hyny awn yn hŷ, Trwy ganol lluoedd maith, Heb ofni dyfais, grym, na'r llid, Sy'n cwrddyd ar ein taith; Awn yno i Gālfari, Bu'r gwaed yn lli i'r llawr; Ni gofiwn gariad pur dinam, Ni ganwn am yr awr. Ni deithiwn yn y blaen, Cawn weled Sion fryn, Lle mae myrddiynau maith mewn hwyl, Yn cadw gwyl am hyn; Cawn fyn'd i mewn i'w plith, I yfed byth o'i hedd, Anfeidrol gariad perffaith gwiw, Tragwyddol yw y wledd. Mi gana am waed yr Oen, Er maint fy mhoen a mhla, Ni cheisia'n wyneb calon ddu, Ond Iesu'r meddyg da; Fy mlino ge's gan hon, A'i throion chwerwon chwith, Ond dyma'm sail i am y wlad, Y cariad a bery byth. - - - - - Yr Iesu ga'dd y dydd, Ca'dd fuddugoliaeth lawn, Yn erbyn uffern faith ei hun, Ar groesbren un prydnhawn. Agorodd byrth y nen O led y pen i rai Cystuddiol, gorthrymedig, gwan, Sy'n griddfan dan eu bai. Am hynny awn yn hŷ Trwy ganol lluoedd maith, Heb ofni dyfais, llid, na grym, Gelynion llym ein taith. Cyd-deithiwn yn y bla'n, Yn lān i Sion fryn; Lle mae myrddiynau maith mewn hwyl Yn cadw gŵyl am hyn.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MBD 6686D]: gwelir: Cyfiawnder marwol glwy Gostega'r storom gref I'r Iesu boed y clod Mi gana' am waed yr Oen Mi wela(f) fyrdd dan sel Ni chaiff y dyfroedd maith 'Rwy'n ofni grym y dŵr 'Rwyf yn terfynu 'nghred |
Jesus won the day, In a full victory, Against great hell itself, Comprehensively one afternoon; He opened the portals of heaven By tearing the curtain, for those Afflicted, oppressed weak, Who are groaning under their fault. There are faults of great force, Like some strong army, Standing like the steep rocks Against the strength of heaven: Come, insuperable grace, Possess the field now, And cut enemies of great ire All, comprehensively down to the ground. I fear the force of the water In the strong Jordan; I notice the huge rocks Which are on my journey to heaven: God will be a strength to the weak, And keep me up strongly, Under the strong torrent of temptations Which are flooding now as a host. My God's word will be fulfilled, And may it come as it may come: Like all the intentions of heaven above Every syllable under a seal; And on his word and his strength, And the divine worth of his blood, I will go through all my haughty enemies Into my Father's house. - - - - - Jesus won the day, In a full victory, Against great hell itself, Brilliantly one afternoon; He opened the portals of heaven, Wide to those Afflicted, oppressed, weak, Who are groaning under their load. Therefore let us go boldly, Through the centre of vast hosts, Without fearing scheme, force, or the wrath, That is meeting us on our journey, Let us go there to Calvary, The blood flowing down; Let us remember pure, innocent love, Let us sing about the hour. Let us travel in the fore, We shall get to see the hill of Sion, Where vast myriads are in mirth, Keeping festival for this; We shall get to go in amongst them, To drink forever from his peace, Immeasurable love, perfect, worthy, Eternal is the feast. I will sing about the blood of the Lamb, Despite my pain and my plague, I will not search in the face of a black heart, But for Jesus the good physician; Wearied I got by this, And its awkward bitter turns, But here is my basis for the land, The love that shall endure forever. - - - - - Jesus gained the day, He got a full victory, Against vast hell itself, On a wooden cross one afternoon. He opened the portals of heaven Wide open to those Afflicted, oppressed, weak, Who are groaning under their fault. Therefore let us go forward boldly Through the centre of vast hosts, Without fearing the device, wrath or force, Of the keen enemies of our journey. Let us travel onward together, Up to Zion hill; Where vast myriads are in joyful mood Keeping festival because of this.tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion |